COVID- 19 Updates

COVID Management in Schools

COVIDSafe measures have changed but all Victorian government schools are required to continue to implement important practices to reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission.

Schools must continue to:

  • ensure air purifiers are in use.
  • maximise external ventilation.
  • encourage good personal hygiene.
  • make face masks available for staff and visitors who wish to wear them.


Air Purifiers and Ventilation

Classrooms use ventilation and air purifiers to assist in minimising infectious airborne diseases.

Air purifiers are present in classrooms. They are used to filter our airborne particles which may include the COVID-19 virus or other pathogens.



Staff and students are strongly recommended to ensure they keep up to date with all recommended and available COVID-19 vaccinations. Vaccinations are the best way to protect individuals, families and school communities from the severe effects of COVID-19 and reduce the spread of the virus.


COVID Rapid Antigen Testing

Student and staff who have symptoms of cold, influenza or COVID-19, or have a close contact or family member with COVID-19 are encouraged to test using a Rapid Antigen Tests (RAT). If you need to obtain a pack of tests they can be obtained from the school for staff and students or from council. 

There are instructions on how to use the RAT tests.


Click here for the COVID Victoria Website.


If you are symptomatic and test positive, please inform the school. Students who test positive for COVID-19 should isolate for 5 days and return to school when no longer symptomatic.

Test results are used in compliance with the School’s Privacy Policy and will not be shared without consent.


Face Masks

Face masks may be worn at school for staff, students and visitors. They are not mandated, however if you suspect you may have an infectious disease or would feel safer to wear a mask you are free to do so.

If you are a close contact to someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 or have tested positive to COVID-19 in the last 7 days, it is recommended to wear a mask when you leave home.

Personal Hygiene

Students and Staff are encouraged to wash hands regularly; Before and after eating, after blowing of noses, coughing, sneezing or after using toilet facilities. It is also encouraged to sanitize hands upon entering classrooms.


COVID-19 Hotline

A dedicated COVID-19 advice line is available for the public.


Phone: 1800 020 080

Hours: 24 hours 7 days a week.


Click here for the COVID Victoria Website.


Effects of COVID-19 on Children’s Physical Health

Dr Anthea Rhodes, Paediatrician at the Royal Children’s Hospital, has run an online Webinar to discuss many of the questions parents are asking about the effects of COVID on their children. A replay of her live stream can be found here:


This replay covers information such as:

  • How does getting COVID affect children physically at the time?
  • Are children likely to have long term effects?
  • What if my child has an underlying health condition?
  • How can we support the mental health of our children?

If you are asking yourselves some of these questions, it is worth having a look at this clip as we move to having all our children back onsite in the coming weeks. It may help put your minds at ease a little.